Tips on Skin Tightening after Weight Loss


Skin Tightening:

Tips on Skin Tightening after Weight Loss

Losing weight is definitely an achievement which needs to be celebrated. Finally, all your dedication and hard work seems to have paid off. You feel and look better with this weight loss, the only negative being that loose skin which you have no way to tighten. Loose skin after exercising means you have lost the required weight too fast without giving a chance to your skin for getting back to normal.

There is a layer of fat underneath the skin and a layer of muscles below this. The skin actually tends to loosen when you gain weight for accommodating the fat cells. Losing a good amount of weight in a short time you find that the skin has remained stretched and thus, gets saggy.

Tightening the loose skin after weight loss is possible but requires a little effort and can be time-consuming.

*Slow down the process of Weight Loss:

Ensure you lose weight slowly and steadily over a period of time. Let this total process be gradual and not in a jiffy. It is advisable to consult a dietician and a nutritionist before you chart out your weight loss program. Do not follow the fads you read or listen to as every individual’s body is different and reacts differently to the different diets and exercises. Gaining muscle and losing fat can be worthwhile when you eat foods which are dense in different nutrients and exercise in the right manner.


Drinking around 2 liters of water everyday can help in tightening the skin. This also helps in flushing out the toxins from your system. This is an elixir for those looking to tighten their skin, lose weight and be overall healthy.

Read more articles  Diets to avoid for the Apt Weight Loss

*Appropriate Diet:

For losing excessive weight it is important to include foods of negative calories in your diet. You can eat broccoli, lean meat, spinach, fish and celery safely. You need to choose fresh fruit juice without any sugar and a good amount of veggies, carbs and healthy fats.

*Sea Salt Bath:

The skin can be easily rejuvenated and tightened with regular salt water baths. This helps in the circulation of the blood, which helps in making the skin firm and also glows.

*Body Massage:

Indulge in a body massage at least two times a week when you are in the process of losing weight. This has proved to tighten the skin to a large extent. You can do this at home or go to the spa. You have the choice of using coconut oil or even use essential oils according to your preference.

*Avoiding the Sun:

Moving out in the sun without the required protection can be damaging for your skin. The elasticity of the skin tends to deteriorate with this exposure. Carry an umbrella or wear one of those fancy hats before you move out. You also need to ensure you apply sunscreen lotion.

Finally, there is nothing like good quality sleeps which helps in maintaining the health of the skin. It is definitely worthwhile to make an effort when you wish to tighten your skin after the required loss of weight.

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