Ketogenic Diet for Obesity Problems


Ketogenic Diet for Obesity Problems

The ketogenic diet was invented to deal with symptoms of seizure. Over a period of time it has been researched that this diet is ideal for treating obesity and helping in the loss of weight. Keto friendly drinks and food are favored by many across the world. Obesity is one problem which seems to be growing at a rampant speed and opting for the ketogenic diet is an ideal way to deal with this.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a medical condition which occurs when any individual carries extra body fat or weight that can cause ill-health. Obesity is diagnosed with a high index of body mass. This obesity normally occurs when an individual consumes too many calories, leads a lifestyle considered sedentary, does not sleep enough or even different types of medications and gain in the weight.

What is Ketogenic Diet?

A Ketogenic diet is moderate in protein, low in carbs and high on fat. As the fat is increased and the carbs are reduced the human body enters into a state termed as ‘ketosis’. This means, the body turns the fats into ketones. Ketones are specific molecules supplying energy to the brain.

A regular ketogenic diet leads to the brain and the body to burn the ketones and fats for the required fuel instead of the normal carbs.

Working of the Ketogenic Diet for Obesity:

Listed below are the ways a ketogenic diet promotes weight loss.

*High intake of protein: Many ketogenic diet recipes lead to the increasing of intake of protein. This has multiple benefits for the required loss in weight.

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*Suppressing Appetite: Adapting to a ketogenic diet can curb the pangs of hunger as this leads to a feeling of fullness. This leads to a change for the positive in the hunger hormones.

*Decrease in the storage of fat: Studies have proved that a ketogenic diet tends to reduce lipogenesis, which is the process for conversion of sugar into fats.

*Increase in the burning of fat: Opting for a ketogenic diet, there is a quick increase in the amount of fat burned during daily activities, rest and also exercise.

*Gluconeogensis: The proteins and fats of a human body are converted into carbs for the required fuel. This process leads to burning of additional calories during the day.

*An Improvement in Insulin Sensitivity: There is a vast improvement in the insulin sensitivity with a ketogenic diet. This is a big help in metabolism and utilization of fuel.

Following a Ketogenic Diet:

You need to seek advice from a qualified professional for the apt ketogenic diet for obesity. The basic steps to be followed are

  1. Eliminating Carbs
  2. Eating veggies
  3. Stocking up Staples
  4. Building a specific plan
  5. Opting for the apt supplements
  6. Consistency.

You need to be determined when you change your regular diet to a ketogenic diet. It is only then you can get the desired results. As said, there are no short-cuts with health. You cannot look for results by following this diet for a week or so and then leaving it.

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