Tips on a Healthy stomach


Tips on a Healthy stomach: There are many people who are not aware of the fact that your stomach can make a difference to your overall health and also your mental state. Choosing a ‘poor’ diet leads to multiple problems which are definitely uncomfortable and taxing. You tend to get either constipated or suffer from diarrhea; you go through gastric problems and feel nauseous even looking at food. This is because you have been lax in your choice of the food you have been eating. Following some of the tips can help you to keep your stomach healthy.

  1. Avoiding Fried foods:

Fried foods take time to be digested. These types of food are also harmful for the heart and can lead to multiple complications in your overall health. Avoiding the intake of fried foods can ensure your good health and also help you lose out the excessive weight. You have the choice of baking, sautéing or even grilling your vegetables and meat.

  1. Diet High in Fiber:

Seasonal fruits and green vegetables are enriched with fiber. This is a healthy choice and can also help in maintaining the health of your stomach. Ensure you include both the types of fiber, soluble and the insoluble as this can help in the retention of water in the gut. The bowel movement is easier. You can include cereals like daliya, oats or the flour made of multi grain.

  1. Fermented Foods and Probiotics:

The good bacterium which is present in the digestive tract is required for better absorption of nutrients and digestion. This also plays a big role in strengthening the immunity. Fermented foods and low fat yogurt tend to promote a healthy gut.

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  1. Include Lean Meats:

With the consumption of fish or chicken there is no strain on the digestive tract as these have a fat content considered ‘low’. This is not so with mutton. For the regular intake of proteins you can add the fish or the chicken in your salads. These are also rich in different vitamins and minerals.

  1. Water:

Drinking enough and more of water tends to sort out multiple problems in your system. This helps in keeping the stomach healthy as it flushes out the toxins and ensures there is no problem of any constipation. Ensure the water is well filtered and clean.

  1. Chewing Food:

Give the ritual of ‘eating’ enough and more time. Each morsel taken, needs to be chewed well so that there is no problem in the digestion. When eating a meal, make sure there is no distraction or any type of stress. This can be a ‘positive’ for your system.

  1. Portion:

Decide on eating smaller meals so that this can be easily digested. Large portions can lead to an unhealthy stomach as it is difficult to digest this.

A few changes made to your daily diet can work wonders for the health of the stomach. You need to remember that a healthy stomach can lead to a healthy ‘you’. How to keep stomach healthy is not a big problem.

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