How much should I walk to lose weight?


Lose Weight: How much should I walk to lose weight?

Regardless of gender and age or the level of fitness, a walking program combined with the right nutritious diet can help you lose the excessive weight. It is important to ensure you walk at the required intensity and enough for the weight loss you are looking for. To help you in that ‘right’ walking for losing weight, it is important to follow some tips.

  1. Weight Loss and Walking duration:

If you are a beginner, you can start with a shorter time of walking and gradually build this up. Moderate intensity of walking for around 30 minutes is essential when you want to lose all that weight. You can calculate either 150minutes in a week or 30 minutes in a day. This is necessary to keep you fit and works out beneficial to your health. You can walk more if you wish to lose a good amount of weight.

For those who are obese, it is recommended to walk around 200 to 300 minutes per week. This works out to an hour of walking for 4 to 5 days in a week.

  1. Intensity of Walking:

During a walk it is important to ensure that your heart rate reaches a level of moderate intensity. This works out to an increase of 50 to 70% of the heart rate of the maximum heart rate.

In case you have also taken up resistance training, you need to cut down the duration of your walk for the required benefits. This means a walk of moderate intensity of 60 minutes is similar to a walk/run of vigorous intensity of 30 minutes. The best way to measure the level of intensity is to use the monitor for heart rate.

  1. Tracking the Diet:
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It is important to keep a track of the intensity along with the duration of the walk and the nutrition when you trying to lose some weight. . Diet plays an important role in the loss of weight program. Meals should not be in large portions and need to be healthy, that is, this should include all the essential nutrients your body requires.

For that appropriate diet for losing weight you can consult a dietician or a nutritionist.

You can walk during the day time to ensure weight loss. This works all the more beneficial if you walk after you get up in the morning, before your breakfast.

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